
When does an employer have the right to fire you over the phone or email?

The news of your dismissal from work is always painful, no matter how different the means your manager uses to deliver the news, but some of them are better than others. The worst means of receiving the news of your end of service is over the phone, for example, or an email or even a text message on the phone.

Why would some managers use such a painful method to convey this news? Simply and partly because they can, your boss – your – immediate or future or ex-manager – doesn’t have to fire you nicely, and in most cases, he has the right to fire you without notice or even warning.
He can choose whatever method he wants.

What are the chances of you getting fired over the phone or by email?
As long as you are not protected by an employment contract or law that guarantees you otherwise, there is no legal reason for your manager to fire you immediately.

End of Service Law

What is the chance of this getting dismissed over the phone? Often they are few, although the employer is entitled to do so in the way he chooses, it is not a common method in the policies of most companies, as this method can demoralize or injure employees.

This harsh dismissal method resonates with the organization and may negatively affect the productivity of the rest of its employees and the organization’s ability to retain its key employees.

If one of the goals of your organization is to maintain its success and work as an organization, this is another reason for your manager to act professionally when terminating an employee.

If you spread about employers in a reputable organization about their bad way of terminating their employees, whether, by phone or letter, this will make it difficult for them to attract new talent, in short, employers have a reputation they do not want to tarnish.

Note: Most employers establish and follow basic employee termination policies, which usually include a meeting with an HR representative to discuss the terms of termination and documentation of the details of your leaving, such as a signed document.

The organization may give you advance notice and allow you to improve your performance at work, but not necessarily, especially if it is not stated in the organization’s policy or employment contract.

Usual Method of Termination of Service

Almost all organizations have a set method for firing their employees, and it usually includes a meeting with an HR representative to discuss the terms and powers of your dismissal. Organizations require clear documentation that they have informed you in advance of your dismissal and warned you, such as signed documents or a registered postal receipt.

What do you need to do when you are fired?

Regardless of how you were informed of your termination of employment, make sure that you take all of your entitlements from rights and other rights under your contract or labor law such as severance pay.
Do not think of revenge in an unprofessional way, even if your previous manager used an improper method to fire you. You may feel that this is the right idea at the moment, but it may return to you all bad if an organization wants – in the future – to ask about you in the institutions you worked in previously.

Unfair termination of your service

Although the termination of an employee’s service over the phone is often legal, sometimes and in cases where his termination may be unfair to him and his rights, such as when an employee is fired for illegal reasons or when the organization violates its policies when firing someone.

You can look at the labor law in your country and review the end-of-service gratuity law to see if your previous organization grieved you and lost your right to dismiss you in one way or another. End of service equal to one month for each year spent at work.

In the event of unfair dismissal, you are entitled to compensation in the number of two months’ wages for each year spent at work, provided that the compensation does not exceed his wages for two years.

Whether the method of dismissal from your job is legal or not, you mustn’t blame yourself and get caught up in guilt, instead, try to focus on moving forward.

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