
The importance of knowledge in the success of the organization

By: Sobha Beghoura

Knowledge was and still is the main source of power, and it will remain a weapon in the hands of those who possess it. In our modern world, it is a new science that has established itself as one of the most important tools for decision making.

The problem of knowledge seekers is no longer confined to the difficulty of obtaining the information required for the purposes of scientific research. Libraries, archives, printed encyclopedias, reports, research and studies are no longer the only basic means of acquiring knowledge, and providing information in multiple and remote places no longer hampers their efforts by researchers. Because the development of information and communication technology led to an abundance of information, and the speed of its spread.

Knowledge management

At the same time, the development of information and communication technology created a new discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all data. It is represented in the correct selection of the required information from among the billions of information presented, and the scientific treatment of it in terms of its good classification, the accuracy of classification, analysis, using and benefit from it; To enhance the competitive position of the enterprise; Through the science of “knowledge management”.

Comprehensive understanding of knowledge has become closely related to aspirations towards individual advancement, organizational success, and community well-being, depending on the skill of information management. That is, in a way that is practically reflected on the level of the institution’s performance, quality and volume of production, which means its ability to compete.

The power of knowledge

Talking about the contribution of the power of knowledge goes directly towards its good management; through organized administrative processes. Such as the ability to access information and benefit from it, starting from obtaining information from reliable sources, then documenting, classifying, categorizing, processing, analyzing, interpreting, and exchanging it within the institution and through means of communication and interaction media, according to the circumstances of each institution and its technological capabilities in terms of the local network, meetings, and workshops.

Next, identifying areas for benefiting from information according to the nature of each department’s work and specialization, especially for the human resources department that is interested in working on new and broader spaces concerned with the human element. Thus, providing knowledge about methods for developing their knowledge, ways to develop their skills, and the possibilities of upgrading their creativity at work.

Taking the right decisions

Knowledge management requires several practical uses in the working field, starting with building an information database that guarantees technical support for all departments, and enables them to make the right decisions. This is done by providing information and modern data, providing the necessary immediate consultations in the field of feasibility studies, contributing to the re-engineering of operations, reorganizing structures and developing processes for the job.

Information management

Naturally, the science of information management is linked first to knowing the motive for obtaining it. The next step is diagnosing the actual needs of society and the appropriateness of the information to be obtained to address these needs. This aims to facilitate the identification of appropriate methods and means of dealing with these needs.

Methods for identifying an organization’s needs must begin with an analysis of the organization itself. Analyzing its organizational structure, policies and objectives. Identify the nature of the resources you need and the available ones, then diagnose the nature of the problems that you may face. The next step is to analyze the job by identifying the aspects of the work and its description, conditions and standards. These aspects require information on activities that must be available to extrapolate the expected developments and to address business requirements and needs.

Information management has become an important component of overall development and growth strategies. By participating positively with the globalization of the movement of strategic transformation towards development, information management has opened a well-defined path to the decisive confrontation to avoid isolation.

Information management provides an opportunity for administrative leaders to choose their choice of management styles that are preferred to be followed between management with a shared vision, management from the site of events, and interactive management.

Information management may indicate that it is necessary to intervene. This can be done through a briefing if the institution accepts the open management style; i.e. participation and handover of roles to achieve the desired goal. Accordingly, an institution should review its tactical goals if they do not serve the strategic goal, and they have become a waste of effort, time and money until its means become an end, and its end is a means.

An important area of ​​information management is the provision of managerial skills; such as the accuracy and balance of accountability standards. The fact that accountability is a process of correction and cooperation with subordinates to raise the efficiency of the performance of individuals. While it is the employee’s right, accountability also represents the most important duties of the manager towards his employees. Therefore, information management may contribute to the provision of rational accountability standards without excessive reprimand and punishment.

Knowledge is the way to work in a system that governs its movement and defines its goals. Work without knowledge is chaos. Believing in the value and vitality of knowledge depends on the prevailing culture, and the set of social values ​​and principles that govern relations between individuals, and the conviction of their role in advancing economic and social development, and enriching efforts to improve community life.

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