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Information Society Building Strategy

Our societies live in the events of the era of information and communication technology, astonished by the giant leaps achieved by creative human thought, from scientific achievements that move humanity with giant strides to a new time, in which information is available to everyone.

Since the establishment of the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva in 2003, and then in Tunisia in 2005, it has been confirmed that the subsequent forums of the World Summit on the Information Society have become the largest annual gathering in the world of the “Information and Communication Technologies for Development” community, as a platform for cooperation and exchange of information, to ensure the benefit of the Technological applications in the field of information and communication, has become the driving force for achieving sustainable development goals.

The information society is the product of the information revolution that societies are witnessing in all aspects of life. Information has become a right of individuals, who must master modern technologies to acquire this right, especially since countries have become – within their development strategies – educational programs in the information field. To eradicate information illiteracy.

The strategy for building the information society is based on some considerations; including the democracy of benefiting from information and communication technology; Where there is no monopoly on the means, and no withholding of technologies, but rather making them available to all without exclusion or discrimination, and ensuring education, training and continuous training; To provide individuals with modern technologies, develop their skills, and then gradually move towards a knowledge-based society.

Accordingly, the aim of holding global summits is to discuss ways to build a comprehensive information society that is oriented towards development, aiming at the human being, and the establishment of a society in which every individual can create information, develop knowledge, acquire research skills to obtain it, methods of controlling its use, and means of exchanging experiences and expertise. acquired, and to enable everyone to exploit their scientific potential to advance sustainable development and improve their livelihoods.

Foundations of the information society

The foundations of the information society are based on:

Establishing a legal framework that monitors the data we own, outlines ways to access it, and defines the method of its use and methods of securing it.

Talking about the right to access information is preceded by talking about the existence of the information itself, which is owned by the source of the news.

The establishment of correct data banks is based on the fact that the upper hand is for those who possess the information and are good at analysis.
Considering the competent authorities in statistics as the sources, and the need to address their problems of weak scientific capabilities, modest logistical support, and modest efforts to develop cadres.

Providing the right information at the right time, using recognized scientific methods, away from political backgrounds and propaganda methods.

Establishing the society of freedoms first, before the information society.

Adopting the media as a language that unites citizens.

To achieve the above on the ground, the following conditions should be provided:

High-speed internet deployment.

Connecting collective spaces, youth institutions, culture houses, libraries, university quarters, research centers, schools, and vocational training centers to the Internet.

– Development of satellite communications facilities and the realization of a communications satellite; To provide data transmission and multimedia services, distance education, and telemedicine.

Publishing electronic sheds to encourage innovations.

Developing Internet services and opening the way for the establishment of a sectoral government e-portal.

Spreading awareness in isolated areas; the provision of equipped car convoys; in the context of human development.

The 2021 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Competition is an appropriate and effective mechanism for evaluating projects and activities that use ICTs to advance sustainable development.

The 2022 edition of the Forum includes several tracks to review the application of information and communication technology to serve specific population groups, including youth, achieving prosperity in industry, agriculture, health, transportation, education, scientific research, culture, arts, sports, benefiting people with special needs, service older people, indigenous peoples, local cultures, and developing countries.

As a result of the significant increase in information sources, the increase in the need to activate the role of knowledge capital in economic and social development, the rapid development of information technologies, the use of the Internet, the spread of globalization, and the subsequent increase in intellectual and human exchange, the development of information communication methods, and the tendency of the economy to adopt information as a resource basis as a material resource.

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