8 ways to protect your company from E- piracy

Dr. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Sultan
Cybercrime is one of the most dangerous types of crimes and has the most impact on companies, whether they are small, medium, or large. However, their effects are more severe on emerging companies. Especially if it is related to financial matters, the accompanying lack of liquidity, and a scarcity of funding.
From this standpoint, work must be done to combat this phenomenon, raise awareness of it and its risks, and protect companies and individuals from it.
Therefore, we salute the “Be careful” campaign that has been launched by the Committee for Information and Banking Awareness in Saudi Banks, with the participation of banks operating in the Kingdom.
The campaign aims to develop the culture of the community about the latest fraud methods.
It is known that electronic fraud, or “hacking”, is the process of penetration of computers or smartphones over the Internet, by a person or group of people with extensive experience in computer programs, who can penetrate any other computer, and identify its contents. by auxiliary software.
Therefore, I will present to you these eight ways to protect your company from the clutches of this piracy:
• Do not open any anonymous messages that come to you by e-mail, as fraudsters usually resort to this method to break into your device and access your information.
• Deal carefully with those who send you friend requests, or correspondence on your account on social networking sites, and do not respond to unknown personalities.
• Do not share your personal information, and do not disclose any sensitive information related to your bank statements, bank accounts, and credit cards.
• Watch out for tempting advertisements, which may offer you free consultations, interest-free loans, or tempting offers for expensive goods.
• Watch out for impersonators; such as a bank employee, who asks you for personal information, takes advantage of your personal information that you publish on the Internet, spies on your phone and computer, employs technical methods and special programs for the bank, and uses your data to make it fun.
• Be careful not to buy from any unreliable sites, and do not transfer any money to unknown sources, or respond to people who tempt you to buy merchandise at a low price, and ask you to pay via a fake link; To access your bank account.
• Thoroughly examine links that may come to you in the form of news, opportunities, or videos with tempting titles.
• Ensure the correct links to the official sites, and do not publish anonymous links shared with you on the mobile.
Awareness is an important tool to protect you from becoming a victim of hacking and fraud, which harms our organizations and companies; So, we must all come together to spread the awareness and culture needed to protect ourselves, our companies, and our economy.